Broken Yet Whole

And so

I learned to breath myself in

To tread lightly around the melancholy meadows that surround my heart

For there are flowers in that sad, sweet meadow

Flowers and broken things

But mostly flowers

I learned to care for myself

To speak kindly and with understanding

For who could know I better than I

And along my journey within my mind

I found a little girl with out stretched arms

Begging to be held

So I took this pale child and I held her close

Rocked her as she sobbed

And as her tears flowed I found my own checks wet

She had been hiding within the darkness of my mind

She had made herself small

Spoke so quietly, trying to vanish

She almost did

So I yanked her out

Into the light

Where I held her tight

And vowed to never forget her

For though my thorns may cut you

My flowers are sweet to the smell

And though my walls will deter you

I leave a rope for you to climb

The mark of the wounded healer

Broken yet whole

Burdened yet free

Open yet closed

Black yet white

I see myself

Just as I see you

Perhaps maybe one day you can see too

Mirrors reflection

I dreamed a dream

Before the dawn

A dream of searching

A dream of seeking

I dreamed I stared into my eyes

Looking deeper

I locked eyes with the seeker

Mirrors reflection

Show me the truth

I must see proof

What am I

Am I made of embers light

A soft glow on a cold night

Or am I the chill

That steals your warmth

I dreamed a dream I saw myself

The shadows mixed with the light

No longer in a perpetual fight

They sighed

As they eased into each others arms

Yet the grey will never last

A letter to myself

To the girl I used to be

I’m sorry

That I could not see

That you would become me

That it was possible to gaze at the old oak tree

And feel free

I’m sorry

You did it alone

If I only would have known

Oh, how much I have grown

But what you faced was unknown

You did so well

Yes, I know we almost fell

There is no need to dwell

But I can still hear the way you used to yell

As you walked through hell

Lashing out to rebel

Now it seems we are parallel

And so I must say farewell

I will always hold you in my heart

As we should have held ourselves from the start

Maybe we needed to fall apart

But now it is time to restart

With lessons we can now impart

For every walk through life is a work of art


I weep for us

For all of us

So disconnected and longing

Endlessly searching

For the answers never found

My tears fall for you

My fellow kin

We reach but do not touch

Look but do not see

I am you and you are me

Yet each of us

Seems bound in isolation

Running blindfolded in the dark

Frantically flittering about

So full of anger and discontent

My heart is heavy with your sorrows

My chest is tight with your grief

For I have stopped in the dark

And there I sit alone

Watching those darting about me

Yet when I reach out to touch

All I see are blank faces staring back

Void and shallow

Their depth whittled away

Eons ago

By the bonds of misery

So here I sit

Mending my own light

Grasping to my bits of sanity

Dreaming of the day we all finally see

Between the sheets

Closed eyes

Muted tongues

Soft morning grumbles

An outstretched hand

A warm embrace

Gentle mornings tease

Skin to skin

From worlds apart

Returning in unity

Soft suns glow

Snoozed alarms

Reluctant to return to sanity

Forehead to forehead

A deep souls gaze

Tranquility between the sheets

Loves Blossoms

Like countless spring storms

I shall water you

I shall pluck the weeds

That threaten your roots

And ensure that the suns rays

Always find their way to you

Even on the cloudy days

And as you grow so shall I

Alongside you

As I water you, so you water I

Our roots entangling

Until there is no beginning nor end

Just blossoms upon sweet blossoms

Of multicolored flowers

That no bee could resist

For they were foraged

From the sweet nectar of our love

An Angels Whisper

The curtain is withdrawn, the truth revealed

The meaning of life as they say, is no longer concealed

I put down my shield

As I yield

Engrossed in a state of ecstasy

Baffled at the complexity

I feel unease beneath my bones

Almost uttered is a moan

As all that was once unknown

Now is clearly shown

My soul lurches forward in objection

Dissevered is the connection

To vast is it for I

To hold within my mind’s eye

As my understanding disappears

I almost seem to overhear

An angels eerie whisper

Between my lips escapes a whimper

As the curtain is drawn

I am left to face the dawn

Trembling as if I were a new born fawn



Creatures Of The Night

Owls owls

Creatures of the night

Fill my soul with might

Through the mystic night air

I hear your calls ringing with care

Reverberating through my heart

Though my eyes never gaze upon thee

I feel your presence within me

Gently urging me toward balance

Emptying me of any malace

Accompanying me to the land of dreams

Guiding me through lessons learned

And countless terrors burned

Gratitude and acceptance

Fills the places of emptiness

Deep within my heart

Making every day an act of art

With a set of wings provided by your guidance

I too become a creature of the night

My soul bursting with light



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